Who Stole This Place From God?

Chapel of the Holy Cross
Chapel of the Holy Cross

As I mentioned in earlier posts, we won a 2 night stay at a hotel in Sedona and cashed it in this week.  It is a most beautiful place that almost looks man made.  Like something you’d see at a ride in Disneyland or a movie set – its just too perfect.  As I was looking at the boulders and rocks that surrounded me, I could almost imagine the chisel marks that were made when God created this special place.

When you come into town, probably the coolest church ever made is built into one of these rocks.  (I snapped this picture on Sunday)  It is the Chapel of the Holy Cross and was built by the Catholic church and is simply amazing.  But, probably the most amazing thing is – they don’t have any services there.
The thought struck me that it is awful that this place is over run by people searching for meaning and eternal life through very unusual means – readings, astrology, metaphysical healing, etc…  They sell something called a Vortex Experience whatever that is.  I couldn’t find out how much a Vortex Experience is but I’m sure its not about the money.  There is even a Sedona Metaphysical Spiritual Association that the official Sedona website links to. 
All I could do was thank God for making Oak Creek and the rocks and mountains of Sedona.  Romans 1:25 says “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator – who is forever praised.”
I don’t want to make fun of or attack people who are caught up in this stuff.  What I want to write is that neither rocks, trees, vortexes nor crystals are capable of loving, healing or attributing worth to you.  The God of the Bible is the only One who can do those things.  God loves you.  So much that He sent his only Son to die to pay for the mistakes we make during our lives here.  Acknowledging this is the only way to find love, healing and value in this world.
I only wish Christians had a cool place like Sedona.  Oh yeah, I guess we do have a cool place.  We just can’t go there yet.  I just can’t wait.

2 Responses to “Who Stole This Place From God?”

  1. 1 SchoolhouseJanet November 20, 2008 at 9:07 pm

    I was blessed by your perspectives on “Who Stole This Place from God?” For those who might not have clicked on “cool place”, this is the Scripture that references back to. I am anxious, too! While we wait, we buy up chances to tell others about Jesus and the amazing eternal place He is preparing for those who put their faith in Him.

    John 14:1-3 (New International Version)

    John 14
    Jesus Comforts His Disciples
    1″Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God[a]; trust also in me. 2In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”


  2. 2 Will "not the actor" Smith November 21, 2008 at 9:02 am

    Definitely a beautiful part of the country, and the “vortex” thing is just further proof that desperate people will cling to anything they think will provide an answer, even if it’s not THE answer.

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